Veterans Coping with Substance Use Withdrawals

The transition from military to civilian life can be overwhelming for many veterans. While some veterans adjust smoothly, others grapple with trauma, which can sometimes lead to substance use. Overcoming addiction is a heroic battle of its own, and coping with substance use withdrawals is a significant part of this journey. First Dawn Recovery stands with veterans during this challenging phase, offering insights and support.

Understanding Substance Withdrawals in Veterans
Veterans often have unique experiences that make their journey with addiction and recovery distinct. From PTSD to combat-related injuries, several factors can influence a veteran’s susceptibility to substance use and the intensity of their withdrawals.

Common Withdrawal Symptoms

        1. Physical symptoms: These include nausea, fatigue, sweating, and shaking.
        2. Emotional symptoms: Anxiety, depression, mood swings, and irritability.
        3. Cognitive symptoms: Disorientation, hallucinations, and confusion.
        4. Behavioral symptoms: Sleep disturbances and restlessness.


Tailored Approaches for Veterans
Given the unique experiences of veterans, it’s crucial to approach withdrawal management with a personalized touch:

        1. Medical supervision: Ensuring that withdrawal symptoms are managed in a safe environment.
        2. Trauma-informed care: Recognizing the role of PTSD and CPTSD in substance use and providing therapies that address trauma.
        3. Peer support: Connecting veterans with others who’ve walked the same path can offer unparalleled support and understanding.


Coping Strategies

        1. Mindfulness and meditation: Helps manage anxiety and emotional symptoms.
        2. Physical activity: Exercise, even light walks, can alleviate some physical symptoms and boost mood.
        3. Structured routine: Maintaining a consistent routine can help manage the unpredictability of withdrawals.
        4. Stay connected: Leverage the veteran community and support groups.


Veterans have made immense sacrifices for our nation. At First Dawn Recovery, we recognize the weight of these sacrifices and the subsequent challenges they face, like substance use withdrawals. Our tailored approach ensures that every veteran receives the specialized care they need, leading them towards a brighter, healthier future.

For veterans seeking assistance with addiction, PTSD, CPTSD, and other mental health challenges, First Dawn Recovery offers a comprehensive healing experience. Your journey to recovery starts with a single step. Reach out to admission specialist Georgie Koppermann today by call or text at 702-903-9847